The more you know: THUNDERS

I have a Astraphobia, meaning i have this fear for thunders and no I'm not scared of astroboy. I puss out when i hear a thunderstorm, i have this fear back when i was a kid and i believe i would still have this particular fear when i get old.

Here are some interesting thunderstorm facts, and maybe reasons why you should be afraid with god's bad-ass creation:

* There are about 1800 thunderstorms occurring at any moment across the world.
* All thunderstorms produce lightening which often strikes outside of the area where it is raining and is known to fall more than 10 miles away from the rainfall area.
* A severe thunderstorm can produces winds that can cause as much damage as a weak tornado and these winds can be life threatening. Further, thunderstorms of this degree can produce hail that can be three-fourth of an inch in diameter that fall at a speed more that 100 mph. Hailstones of this size cause more than $1 billion damage of properties and crops annually.
* Thunders has a 30,000 to 50,000 degrees F temperature, Which is hotter than the surface of the sun! When the bolt suddenly heats the air around it to such an extreme, the air instantly expands, sending out a vibration or shock wave we hear as an explosion of sound.


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